Stylish and Useful – Survival Bracelets for Real Men

Paracord bracelets have been around for a while as very interesting accessories. However, the new generation of paracord bracelets is so much more than that. In fact, the new survival bracelets are actually useful for survival situations. For starters, the bracelets sold by companies use real 550 cords to make them. That means that these bracelets can have the breaking strength of 550 pounds.


At this point, you are probably wondering what you can do with an indestructible bracelet. After all, it is too short to be useful. However, there is more than meets the eye when it comes to these paracord bracelets. Years in the future, it won’t be surprising if we see technology-related bracelets capable of troubleshooting computers automatically.


You can actually unravel your bracelet to get a usable amount of rope you can use for multiple tasks. Namely, you can use the rope to fish, build a shelter, set a trap for small animals, or even fashion a splint. In short, anything you need to survive.

The Best Survival Paracord Bracelets

Now, we are aware that there are hundreds of bracelets you can find online. And, picking the best one for yourself can be a daunting task. So, we have created a list that includes the best paracord 550 bracelets we could find.

Fitdom Survival Bracelet

Right off the bat, we want to start with the bracelet we like the most. First of all, the strap buckle comes with four useful tools in it. It has a fire starter, a survival whistle, a scraper, and a P-51 can opener. When you unravel the bracelet, you get two reflective cords – a 10ft black paracord with the 550 rating, and a 1ft long gray paracord.

The Friendly Swede Premium Paracord Bracelet

This stylish bracelet is as useful as it is durable. It comes with the same 550lb paracord material, but it sports some serious features as well. To access the 16 feet of rope you have in this bracelet, all you need to do is to remove a bit of glue and unravel it. Furthermore, the bracelet comes with a fire starter, a knife, and a scraper.

Gerber Bear Grylls Survival Bracelet

We all know who Bear Grylls is. He is a capable man who can survive in pretty much any environment. And, this one-size-fits-most bracelet with a whistle can let you channel your inner survival expert. You can use it to build a primitive bow, create a shelter, or hang your food out of reach of animals.

The Friendly Swede Trilobite

The Friendly Swede is back on our list with a beefy bracelet that provides even more functionality. The Trilobite is a lot more comfortable than most of the other bracelets on the list. In fact, it is so comfortable you will probably forget you have it on.

Survival Straps – Wounded Warrior Project

This survival bracelet comes with 16ft of 550 military-grade paracord. Also, it has a really strong release buckle you can use in survival situations. However, the best thing about this bracelet is that the company that makes it offers free replacements if you ever have to use it in a survival situation. So, if you end up having to unravel your bracelet, pay only for shipping and you will get a new one.

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